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We are in our third year of our Business Administration degree. I think that we have created a good balance between studying and having some much needed and deserved FUN...!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

As of yet i havnt received any ideas for a blog from the class so i will just continue to ramble on.  It is the middle of week 11 in college.  The time really flew by, mainly because we have been so busy that large chunks of our lives have flown by while we have our faces in a computer screen this year.  There is a lot on the list for us to do at the moment.  There is a good few projects that are due in next week as soon as we have felt the slight bit of relief from handing them in, we have to sit down and figure out which subject for our final exams to tackle first.!!

I think that it will all work out in the end.  To be fair we fell pressure at this point in the semester every year and we have come out of it fairly fine.

Monday, November 9, 2009

social networking craze..!!

Facebooking, twittering and blogging, these are common phrases in our everyday lives.  Most of the students in our business course are a member of some social networking site, granted some are clearly more obsessed with spending hours and hours a week staring at their computer screen than others.! Nevertheless, these sites have become a part of our daily routine.

Different social networking sites offer users various features which is why we all have our opinion as to which is the best and can sometimes lead to a lengthy debate.  Blogging is for the person with something to say and wants somewhere to say it, it is like an online diary, obviously as it is online the PG diary stuff goes in and not "pouring your heart out" stuff.!! Typical entries i have seen so far are opinions on various people, products and services that mean anything to the author. Facebook and Bebo are for the people who want to connect with others.  They involve a list of all friends and sometimes people you just met once and they ask "are you on Facebook/Bebo??", and the following day you have a friend request.  These sites are used quite often for tagging and sharing photos and writing messages to people or even having an instant chat with online friends.

All of the social media that is so widely used is relatively new, only growing so much in the past few years.  So far people are aware of the benefit for keeping in touch and communicating on a personal level.  However, the use of these sites for a business is gaining more and more interest recently and there are a number of articles being published with benefits, tips and success stories of having your business on these sites.  I for one think that the potential of these sites to reach an interested audience is massive as long as you are clever and know which sites to include your business on, what audience you are targeting and what tone to use when using these sites.

All of this and more was covered when an expert blogger and social networker came to give a talk at our management information systems class in college.His name was Damien Mulley and he successfully runs a communications company in Cork.  I am not entirely sure what others expectations were for this talk if they had any at all but for me the talk exceeded my  expectations.  The hour flew as the talk was relevant and interesting.  It was on a topic that we can all relate to and was delivered in a casual straightforward way.  It helped to relate the theory involved in this subject to real life examples and how it's being used in the business world that we are soon going to enter.  I think the fact that Damien Mulley spends every day blogging and seeing the feedback these sites can create he can appreciate the phenomenon that widespread access to the internet for the general public has created.  So there is no better person to communicate the uses of social media to anyone who wants to listen.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Study, Study, Study and more study..!!!

Week 5 in college, a database exam done on Monday...i definitely think it was trouble for some of the class because it is one of those applications where a million things can go wrong...!! I think it will be fine and the results will reflect the effort put in in class..!! There doesnt seem to be time to sit back and relax in college at all this year, there is so much material to cover in one semester so there is a report, project or exam every week until final exams..!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Are we really going to be left alone..??

Well i would think the thing angering pretty much every student at the moment is the reintroduction of college fees...It makes you wonder is there any of the people in society that have very limited income that they are going to leave out of their cost-cutting measures.???
The entire country, students, lecturers and all members of the public seem to be of the same understanding that this will only harm our country. A country that has gained its reputation on having a decent accessible educational system that produces highly skilled and capable graduates. These are the graduates that in their turn go into the working world and for the rest of their days help to keep this country running..!! Maybe we should send some of our highly skilled financial and accounting students to go up and have a look at the books to see if there is room to cut a couple of the many zeros off the end of some of those government wage packets...!!
To be fair this matter might have been solved for now and this is a small victory and i say small because how long will it last and what vulnerable members of society will feel the cut instead??

BBadmin Bloggers...!!

This is the new class blog for information on news, events and parties of the Business Administration Class year 3. Hopefully over time it will include some fantastic pictures (pre-approved by the subject in the picture of course) HAHA....
Also it can be a good point for all the members of our class and others that have any interest to share their points of view and opinions...